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Sales-related FAQ

Is my payment safe?

All payments go through Paddle, a globally-recognized and trusted partner specialized in reselling and payment processing. Every year millions of transactions get safely processed. There is no need to worry.

What payment options are acceptable?

Payment options are various. Generally speaking they cover more popular and widely used ones, such as wide list of credit cards, PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Ali Pay, SEPA and others. You can find a complete & updated list of payment options HERE.

Are you available in my country?

Vallumo is being sold to clients in 150+ countries worldwide. As long as your country is not on the list of sanctioned and/or restricted countries, you are good to go. You can find a complete & updated list of these countries HERE.

Where can I see my pricing plan, credits and access expiry?

You can track your account information and current status (incl. pricing plan, credits and access expiry) within Vallumo dashboard.

Who is Paddle and why Paddle deals with me?

Paddle is our trusted partner. The company is specialized in reselling and payment processing. It carries out worldwide sales activities, provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns.

How & when can I reach Paddle?

You can contact Paddle via Paddle Virtual Assistant HERE. Paddle’s support team is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Is it possible to get a sales/VAT refund?

Yes, it is possible to get a sales/VAT refund. For 40+ countries it is done automatically by simply entering your VAT number in the checkout process. For all others it has to be done manually. Please contact Paddle for that.

Can I return you a product?

Unfortunately it is not possible to return a product. The product is a Digital Content and as such considered as “Consumed” as soon as you access it or otherwise benefit from it. Please do contact Paddle for further information though.

Can I switch freely between pricing plans?

Yes, you can switch to a different pricing plan simply by purchasing a pricing plan that reflects the one you desire to have.

How am I affected, if I buy a different pricing plan next?

Buying a pricing plan updates your active account status and rights. Since you can only have one active pricing plan at a time, the active pricing plan reflects the one that you purchase last. Please note the impact on your existing credits.

How can I make sure your product is right for me?

You can click “Get started” and make a FREE TEST. On our webpage you can also find Demo video and Sample Reports.

Can I upgrade to a paid plan after a free test?

Yes, indeed. Free test comes with an indicative business valuation report and an invite to upgrade to a paid plan. If you decide to upgrade, you can then autogenerate business valuation report for any project you decide, including the one that you generated with a Free Test.

Why do you have access expiry?

Access expiry prevents users to use our platform primarily for financial data sourcing purposes.

What happens if my access expires?

After the access expiry you no longer have your access to Vallumo business valuation tool. You can regain it and unlock any trapped credits with a new order though. You can track your access time period & credits status within Vallumo dashboard.

Is it possible to save your progress and continue later?

Yes, of course. You can save your progress manually or rely on Vallumo’s autosave function. Your data will be saved and you can continue providing inputs later anytime (as long as your access does not expire).

Am I able to change the report content and design?

Yes, you can change the report content and design by editing the project and generating a new report. A Superstar Plan gives you the option to have a 100% dedicated report template developed …

Where can I ask other pre-sale questions?

Feel free to send us further pre-sale questions via contact form HERE. We will do our best to address them ASAP.

Where am I able to get after-sale support?

After-sales support can be accessed from Vallumo application and our website. The fastest way is to search through FAQ, Docs. You can also use ticket system or book a 1-on-1 expert support though.

Application-related FAQ

What makes Vallumo unique?

Vallumo unites the power of more advanced business valuation tool, better informed and more efficient user and unique futures. As such, it takes out the best of each alternative business valuation approach – DIY digital approach, DIY traditional approach and third-party expert approach. This allows Vallumo to truly offer outstanding value-for-money and stand out on the market.

What unique features are there?

The application offers unique features such as integration into third-party channels, enterprise use-ready dashboard with user & rights management and project supervision, ecosystem for connecting users with complementary interests, social functions such as invitation of input collaborators (i.e. accountants, CFOs, others), public & private sharing of outcomes, optional reviews of valuation inputs and/or compliance check, 1-on-1 expert support etc.)

Who developed the application?

The application was developed by experienced valuation practitioners. It incorporates lots of in-depth valuation know-how and experiences, which makes it a unique and unarguably the leading digital solution for advanced business valuation on the market and a great value-for-money deal.

Who is the application primarily meant for?

The application is developed for everyone who needs a reliable business valuation and is ready to co-create to get it faster and at more affordable cost. The application may be interesting also for those that seek compliance-friendly solution, for those who use business valuation to develop their business activity and for those who may benefit from selected unique features (i.e. support, ecosystem, integration).

Is the application an alternative to my current approach?

Yes, indeed. However it has to be acceptable for the parties involved and not subject to eventual restrictions.

How much involvement is it required?

The application allows you to choose your desired involvement in the process of providing inputs. Your selections then impact your reliance on technology, level of complexity and time spent. In average, the overall lead time is reduced from 4-8 weeks to as little as 45-75 min, while the level of complexity is also reduced significantly, as basic business and finance knowledge is often sufficient for the user to come up with own value estimate.

How reliable really is the application?

Reliability primarily depends on how well the user gets the inputs right. For that purpose the application is providing the user with relevant, reliable and timely guidelines, an option to auto-estimate and pre-fill selected fields as well as other smart futures such as recommendations, hints, explanations and even validation and error warnings. In this way the user is left with a great fundaments for informed decision-making.

How tailored & personalized the application gets?

With the help of advanced technology the application and the outcome get extensively tailored & personalized. This means, that the input pathways change, the data sources change, approach to valuation changes, valuation methods used change, methods relied upon change, the report graphical elements change, author’s & contact data change, etc.

What businesses can be valued?

The application is primarily designed for valuing both publicly traded and privately owned businesses in all industries (excl. financial), lifecycle phases, no matter their size and other relevant factors. The subject of valuation can be entire entity, shares or shareholding of the entity or specific business activity of the entity.

What valuation specifics the application addresses?

The application approach differs if you value a developed market or emerging market business. Start-up, launch, growing, stable or maturing business. Healthy or distressed business. Seasonal or non-seasonal business. Single-industry or multiple-industry business. Local or export oriented business. Marketable or non-marketable business. High inflation environment or stable environment business. Local currency or foreign currencies revenue generation business. Marginally taxed or effectively taxed business. Business at present or historical date. Business that reports as per IFRS or Local GAAP. And many more …

Which valuation methods are used by the application?

The application support the use of 20+ more widely used business valuation methods. Nevertheless, it only relies on those methods that are considered as more reliable ones as per business valuation specifics identified. Typically this would result in reliance on more widely used methods of income (discounted cash flow method), market (comparable transaction method, comparable companies method) and/or cost approach (summation method).

What is it about the valuation report that stands out?

The application aims to generate a complete, objective and transparent business valuation report in line with best practice, compliance requirements and most importantly, user’s preferences. The resources are clearly stated and fully traceable. Information about the valuation expert, contact information are of course also part of the valuation report.

What localization elements are already supported?

The application is developed for worldwide use. Currently it supports English language, left-to-right writing, Arabic numeral system, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Valuation Standards (IVS) valuation standards. In the future we will be adding additional standards, languages, numeral systems as well.

Who uses the application most often?

Today the application is most often used by investors & asset managers, service providers, business managers, business owners, lenders and insurances.

What valuation purposes is the application most often used for?

The application is most often used for decision-making, transactions, reporting, communication, financing, insurance, taxes, motivation, optimizations, legal and other purposes.

Is it possible that I will not be able to provide required inputs?

The application is developed for experienced and unexperienced in business valuation. Those that are less experienced typically rely more on Vallumo’s support (application, expert). At least basic business & financial knowledge is required to use the application though.

Vallumo vs. Third-party expert traditional approach

The application optimizes the process of business valuation, meaning gathering inputs, decision-making as well as preparation of the financial model and business valuation report. As a result, it is up to 150x cheaper and up to 1.500x faster than the traditional business valuation approach. Application is often perceived also as safer by users, since less people are typically involved into the valuation process. Furthermore, application outcomes are also significantly more consistent due to the structured approach. A significant difference can also be linked to unique features.

Vallumo vs. DIY traditional approach

Despite being for FREE, DIY traditional approach is in most cases more expansive than Vallumo, if time spent is considered as well. What is more, with Vallum no prior knowledge is required, best practice is automatically applied, risks about getting the inputs wrong are minimized, while unique features are there to open new opportunities.

Vallumo vs. DIY digital approach

Vallumo is significantly more structured, complete, comprehensive and flexible than DIY digital alternatives. Vallumo extensively guides the user throughout the process and in this way minimizes the risks of getting the inputs wrong. It also offers unique futures that contribute to clients’ success.

Haven’t found the answer you were looking for yet?

Feel free to open a ticket or send us a general inquiry via e-mail and we will reply ASAP.

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